Resolving the “remote: fatal error in commit_refs” in Git

When working with Git, encountering errors can be a roadblock in your development workflow. One such challenging error is “remote: fatal error in commit_refs.” This error can emerge during various Git operations, particularly when pushing changes to a remote repository. This article aims to demystify this error and provide detailed solutions to help you get back on track with your coding tasks.

What Causes the “remote: fatal error in commit_refs”?

The “remote: fatal error in commit_refs” error typically occurs due to issues with the remote repository’s ability to accept and integrate the changes you’re trying to push. This can be due to several reasons:

  1. Permissions Issues: You might not have the necessary permissions to push changes to the remote repository.
  2. Repository State: The remote repository could be in a state that prevents it from accepting changes, such as being locked or in the middle of maintenance.
  3. Corruption or Inconsistency: The repository could have corruption or inconsistencies within its objects or references.
  4. Configuration Errors: Incorrect Git configuration settings can also lead to this error.

Understanding the specific cause is crucial for applying the right solution.

Solutions to Overcome the Error

Let’s dive into detailed solutions that address each potential cause of the “remote: fatal error in commit_refs.”

1. Verify Permissions

Start by ensuring you have the correct permissions to make changes to the repository. This involves:

  • Checking Access Rights: Confirm with the repository administrator that your user account has push access.
  • Authentication Issues: Ensure your authentication credentials are up to date. This might involve refreshing OAuth tokens, SSH keys, or updating passwords.
2. Inspect Repository State

If permissions are in order, the next step is to examine the state of the remote repository:

  • Lock Files: Sometimes, operations in progress can leave behind lock files (e.g., index.lock). Contact the repository administrator to check if there are any unintended locks or ongoing maintenance tasks.
  • Maintenance Mode: Repositories might be temporarily read-only during maintenance. Check for any announcements or contact administrators.
3. Address Repository Corruption or Inconsistencies

Corruption within the repository requires more technical intervention:

  • Running Consistency Checks: Tools like git fsck can be used to check the integrity of the repository objects. If inconsistencies are found, git fsck will report them, and you might need to use more specific repair commands based on the output.
  • Cleaning Up References: Sometimes, manually deleting or correcting broken references (found in .git/refs/) is necessary. This should be done with caution and ideally under the guidance of a Git expert.
4. Review and Correct Configuration Errors

Misconfigurations can also lead to this error:

  • Remote URL Configuration: Ensure the remote URL is correctly set by running git remote -v. If incorrect, use git remote set-url it to correct it.
  • Push Settings: Check your push configurations with git config --list. Misconfigured settings like receive.denyNonFastForwards and receive.denyDeletes on the remote side can also cause issues. These require administrative access to the remote repository to adjust.

Advanced Solutions

In some cases, standard fixes may not resolve the error. Here are a few advanced steps:

  • Recreate the Branch: If a specific branch is problematic, try recreating it from a known good state and reapplying your changes.
  • Use a Fresh Clone: Cloning the repository anew and applying your changes to this fresh copy can sometimes bypass the issue.
  • Contact Support: For hosted repositories (like those on GitHub, GitLab, etc.), reaching out to the platform’s support can provide additional insights and solutions.

Preventing Future Errors

Preventative measures can reduce the likelihood of encountering this error again:

  • Regular Maintenance: Regularly run git fsck on your repositories to catch and resolve issues early.
  • Education on Best Practices: Familiarize yourself and your team with best practices for using Git to avoid common mistakes that lead to repository corruption or conflicts.
  • Permission Management: Ensure that permissions are appropriately managed, limiting write access to those who need it and using branch protection rules to prevent accidental destructive operations.


The “remote: fatal error in commit_refs” error in Git can be daunting, but understanding its causes and systematically addressing them can help resolve it. Whether the issue lies in permissions, repository state, corruption, or configuration errors, there’s a path to resolution. By taking a methodical approach and utilizing Git’s tools and features, you can overcome this error and prevent it from disrupting your workflow in the future. Remember, when in doubt, consulting with a Git expert or the repository’s support team can provide valuable assistance.

By Marko

Hi, I'm Marko, the owner and author of With a knack for troubleshooting and a passion for technology, I'm dedicated to fixing all kinds of errors in apps, games, websites, and programming projects. Join me as we unravel the mysteries of coding and forge ahead toward seamless digital experiences.

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